How Music Saved My Life

No to be dramatic or anything but if music didn't exist I don't think I would be here today. It offers an escape, a creative outlet, an unashamed sense of belonging and understanding that I haven't found anywhere else in my 20 years on the planet.

I know I'm not alone in this unique comfort that only music can give me so I thought I'd share some artists, albums and songs that have motivated me when I couldn't get out of bed, hyped me up when my social anxiety was doing it's best to keep me in, and made me feel understood when I felt completely alone.

Music offers a fun getaway from everyday life but also helps us celebrate and dance when life is going right for us and our family and friends.

Also, so that I don't ramble too much here, I'm just going to insert a lyric from the songs that meant the most to me instead of trying to find the words to explain what these amazing artists have already beautifully articulated.

Enjoy x

p.s. I have also realised that most of my life saving music has come from my best friend, Lily, so shout out to you for having such amazing taste in music and thank you for sharing it with me.

Ariana Grande 'Sweetener'

'Sweetener' is Ariana's newest album and it has been just as healing and comforting as she promised it would be. 

This woman never fails to amaze me with her strength and positivity over the past year. Life really hasn't been kind to her of late but she has continued to shine a light in dark times. It is almost impossible to not look up to her and turn to her music for a place of acceptance, saftey and love. 

s u c c e s s f u l

"And, girl, you too, you are so young and beautiful and so successful"

b r e a t h i n

"feel my blood runnin', swear the sky's fallin'; I keep on breathin'; time goes by and I can't control my mind"

p e t e  d a v i d s o n

"And I  know you know that you're my soul mate and all that"

All Time Low 

And my love for alternative, punk-rock music began. Unless I'm listening to 'Therapy' or 'Remembering Sunday', it's hard to not feel uplifted and excited for life when listening to this band. 

Their concerts are probably some of the best music experiences I've ever had. Even though their shows are also where my fear of mosh pits also emerged, the energy is electric and contagious. It's a happy place. 

w e i g h t l e s s 

"maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year"

t i m e  b o m b

"tattoos and a switchblade attitude; snakebit heart with a bubblegum smile"

t h e  r e c k l e s s  a n d  t h e  b r a v e

"our song has not been sung; long live us"

Hayley Kiyoko 'Expectations'

This is a new love for me. I know I'm late on the bandwagon with this one but can you ever really be late when it comes to music? It's not going anywhere aha...

This album has made me feel some kina way and I'm loving it. 

w h a t  i  n e e d   ft. K e h l a n i 

"the way I love, there's no taking my place"

c u r i o u s 

"I'm what you see when you look at the sky"

f e e l i n g s 

"they say I'll get hurt if I'm like ice"

Taylor Swift 

Ok so anyone knows me, knows of my love for Taylor. I couldn't tell you how music saved my life without mentioning the iconic lyrical genius of albums like 'Red' or 'Speak Now' or any of her six incredible albums. 

As you can see, we've been Swifties since the begining.

Say what you want about her, her music has helped me heal heartbreak (yes at 20 years old I may not have much life experience but let me live my life), figure out emotions and realise how important the people around me are. 

s t y l e

"you got that James Dean daydream look in your eye ; And I got that red lip classic thing that you like" 

l o n g  l i v e

"I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you"

c a l l  i t  w h a t  y o u  w a n t  t o

"all my flowers grew back as thorns; windows boarded up after the storm"

Tonight Alive 

My love for this band started when one of my best friends, Lily, introduced  me to them. Quite different to Ariana, this band is an Australian punk-rock dream team who have saved my sanity countless times in the past year. 

When I was younger, I just loved the heavy sound, like it would drown out the rest of the world and the typical dramas of teenage life but now I play thier music to drown out my own thoughts when they get a little too much. Like a temporary escape from myself.

I can't wait to see their acoustic set with my bestie in a couple weeks!

t e m p l e : 'Underworld' 

"yes I know I've lost what you call control; but control isn't real, and you never had it"

t h e  o c e a n : 'The Other Side' 

"this has stolen my sanity; well it's hard to see beyond this when it's fighting against me"

w or l d  a w a y 

"I know I will survive this; I'll be the strongest person I know"


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